Saurykov Erbolat Baiuzakovich, Ybyraiym Azimkhan Orazbaevich
Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities, Kazakhstan
Taraz State University named after M. Kh. Dulati, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article considers an adverb as an invariable part of speech in the contemporary Turkic languages. This investigation represents a profound study of research works of various prominent linguists, their points of views, methods and approaches. Moreover in the research process the authors use the examples of adverbs as an invariable part of speech of the different Turkic languages: Kazakh, Yakut, Bashkir, etc. These examples illustrate the general and specific features of adverbs in different language phenomena.
Key words and phrases: наречие, словообразование наречия, неизменяемые слова, тюркские языки, казахский язык, adverb, adverb derivation, invariable words, the Turkic languages, the Kazakh language
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