RETRACTED 22.03.2018
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Magsumova Luiza Il'firovna
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article considers the concept of "threat" from the point of view of the linguistic tool of speech influence by the example of verbs with the general meaning of destructive action, verbs of abolishment and damage, verbal combinations. The paper establishes a numerous lexical-semantic group of verbs of threat realization in the political discourse. Also the author examines the use of abstract, concrete and collective nouns and proper names as threat.
Key words and phrases: дискурсивный анализ, политический дискурс, политический ярлык, концепт, глаголы деструктивной семантики, менасивный речевой акт, вербальная агрессия, discursive analysis, political discourse, political label, concept, verbs of destructive semantics, menace speech act, verbal aggression
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