Borisova Tat'yana Grigor'evna
Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute
Abstract. The article considers the features of term-formation system units, which represent the evolution of scientific cognition. The theoretical basis of the work is the key provisions of the modern word formation studies, terminology studies and cognitive linguistics. In the study of the terminological groups of words the attempt is made to trace not only the evolution of the derivation structure of highly specialized terms forming these groups, but also the development of scientific thought, scientific cognition.
Key words and phrases: терминообразовательная система, дериватология, терминодеривация, термин, терминодериват, терминологическое гнездо, когнитивная лингвистика, научное познание, term-formation system, word formation studies, term-derivation, term, term-derivative word, terminological group of words, cognitive linguistics, scientific cognition
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