Tsybikova Badma-Khanda Badmadorzhievna
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Abstract. The author defines the research problem of the article as an attempt to give a generalized description of the Buryats’ historical folklore. Considerable attention is paid to the classification and analysis of oral histories and legends on the historical subject-matter. The idea is proved that the basis of the Buryat legends is made up of stories about the facts that occurred in the real world; they went down in history, and that is why were preserved in the memory of the people.
Key words and phrases: предания, устные рассказы, реальная действительность, исторические факты, народная интерпретация, буряты, legends, oral stories, reality, historical facts, folk interpretation, the Buryats
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