Kuchina Svetlana Anatol'evna
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article considers the dysfunctionality of an electronic literary text as one of the key features of electronic works in general. Dysfunctionality as an important aspect of understanding the structure and semantics of electronic narratives in various aspects of its manifestation (political, game, empirical, and causal) conditions the structural and semantic specificity of an electronic literary text, and also influences the nature of its perception by a recipient. The aspects of dysfunctionality may be manifested at any level (information data; activation method; the nature of the interaction with a recipient; interface) of structural and semantic organization of an electronic literary work.
Key words and phrases: глитч арт, дисфункциональность, электронный нарратив, ризоматический, интерфейс, анимация, glitch art, dysfunctionality, electronic narrative, rhizomatic, interface, animation
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Kuchina S. A. Osnovnye tipy selektivnoi i produktivnoi interaktivnosti khudozhestvennykh i uchebnykh tekstov i vidy deyatel'nosti adresata // Sibirskii pedagogicheskii zhurnal. 2015. № 3. S. 61-67.
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