Fedulov Boris Aleksandrovich, Mishina Natal'ya Petrovna, Guzev Dmitrii Vital'evich
Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Altai State Institute of Culture, Barnaul
Abstract. The article substantiates the increasing importance of adaptive physical culture in the social rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities. The foreign experience of solving this problem is presented. The ways to overcome the difficulties are found out, and the directions of a complex approach while organizing classes of adaptive physical culture are revealed. The peculiarities of the organization of classes aimed at involving the students in the learning process, creativity and charitable work, are summarized.
Key words and phrases: адаптивная физическая культура, ограниченные физические возможности, комплексный подход, физическое и духовное развитие, реабилитация, адаптация, adaptive physical culture, disabilities, complex approach, physical and spiritual development, rehabilitation, adaptation
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