Nikolaeva Tat'jana Gennad'evna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to review the main features of such types of semantically complicated sentences as solid-coordinate and solid-subordinate constructions in English. The article shows the main transformations, which secondary predicative structures may undergo in such sentences. It is proved that from the point of view of semantics solid-coordinate and solid-subordinate constructions are similar to a composite sentence as their prototype.
Key words and phrases: пропозиция, вторичная предикация, полипредикативность, семантически осложнённые предложения, слитно-сочиненные и слитно-подчиненные конструкции, предикативная линия, матричное предложение, proposition, secondary predication, polypredicativity, semantically complicated sentences, solid-coordinate and solid-subordinate constructions, predicative line, matrix sentence
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