Mirzakhanyan Nelli Vardanovna
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article provides a comparative analysis of the numerals in the Naukan and Alaskan Eskimos’ language in order to identify the common features in the Eskimos’ worldview. Three basic languages are selected for the comparison: the Yupik language, the language of Cape Barrow (Point Barrow) Eskimos and the Naukan language. As a result of the numerals analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the numerals in the Eskimo peoples’ languages have an internal form, which gives important information about the features of these peoples’ linguistic thinking and their linguistic worldview.
Key words and phrases: числительные, науканский язык, аляскинский язык, картина мира, этнос, numerals, the Naukan language, the Alaskan language, worldview, ethnos
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