Mirkhaev Rifat Firdinatovich, Gumerov Il'gam Gusmanovich
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Abstract. Tatar religious worldview is a special system of spiritual values and traditions, world conceptions developed for centuries. In the Tatar religious worldview’s structure an important place belongs to the spiritual values and traditions of Tengrism - religion professed by the ancestors of the modern Tatars before Islam adoption. The ancient beliefs associated with personification and sacralization of nature, with the possibility to influence the current events by magical means undergoing certain transformations survived till now with the unique elements distinguishing Tatars from other nations in the spiritual aspect. The article discovers the role and place of Tengrism in the formation of Tatar religious worldview.
Key words and phrases: религия, религиозное мировоззрение, духовные ценности и традиции, ислам, тэнгрианство, олицетворение и сакрализация природы, религиозный фольклор, мифология, religion, religious worldview, spiritual values and traditions, Islam, Tengrism, personification and sacralization of nature, religious folklore, mythology
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