Soyan Rossina Aleksandrovna
Tuvan State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the experience of teaching foreign languages, in particular, Russian, at the American university. It focuses on the differences in the organization of work in language groups, as well as on methods contributing to the intensification of language acquisition. The examples of using these methods in the classroom are given. It is valuable to get acquainted with the experience of foreign colleagues, modify and use their results in teaching foreign languages ??in our country.
Key words and phrases: преподавание русского языка, опыт, американский университет, интенсивность усвоения языка, "перевернутое обучение", метод полного физического реагирования, игровой метод, метод "Думай-обсуждай-делись", социокультурный компонент, teaching the Russian language, experience, the American university, intensity of language acquisition, "inverted teaching", method of complete physical reaction, game method, method "think-discuss-share", sociocultural component
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