Priyatkina Alla Fedorovna, Starodumova Elena Alekseevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article examines conjunctional phrase "in case if" as a special auxiliary unit. The authors identify the specific meaning of this word-combination which differs from that of the basic conjunction "if"; they mention the basic meaning modification manifesting itself under the certain contextual provisions, describe the syntactic constructions with this phrase the most typical of which are the complex sentence and construction with the secondary conjunction connection in a simple sentence. The paper discovers the communicative and textual peculiarities of the sentences with "in case if". The conducted analysis allows classifying "in case if" as a special two-element auxiliary unit.
Key words and phrases: союзное образование, значение союза, синтаксическая конструкция, коммуникативная характеристика конструкции, метатекстовая функция, conjunctional phrase, conjunction meaning, syntactic construction, communicative characteristic of a construction, meta-textual function
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