Kabanova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article considers the phenomenon of grammatical synonymy of adverbial constructions by the material of literary texts; it proves the effectiveness of transformation method to distinguish between the meanings of adverbial modifiers and syntactic changes; presents the obstacles to the appearance of grammatical synonyms: different subjectness of the agent of the main sentence and an isolated member, some limitations in the semantics of isolated adverbial modifiers, the impossibility of forming a verbal adverb from a number of verbs.
Key words and phrases: деепричастие, деепричастный оборот, простое осложненное предложение, обособление, сложноподчиненное предложение, придаточная часть с обстоятельственным значением, предложно-падежная форма, обособленное обстоятельство, трансформационный метод, verbal adverb, verbal adverb phrase, simple complicated sentence, isolation, complex sentence, subordinate clause with adverbial meaning, prepositional case form, isolated adverbial modifier, transformation method
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