Varlamova Larisa Andreevna
Higher School of Music of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (Institute) named after V. A. Bosikov
Abstract. The article discusses the peculiarities and differences of the social intelligence of different groups of children going to a comprehensive school and to a special musical boarding school. Particular attention is paid to gender differences in the realization of socio-psychological abilities, which are a part of social intelligence. The author comes to the conclusion that between the two groups there are differences in social circle and the ways of communication, behaviour analysis, the expression of empathy, self-control.
Key words and phrases: социальный интеллект, эмпатия, самоконтроль, невербальное поведение, вербальное общение, адаптация, social intelligence, empathy, self-control, non-verbal behaviour, verbal communication, adaptation
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