Topka Larisa Vladimirovna, Ivanova Tat'yana Vasil'evna
Eurasian Linguistic Institute (Branch) of Moscow State Linguistic University in Irkutsk
Abstract. In the article the sign-situation "blackmail" and its lexeme-representative are considered. The reference area of this sign-situation is the combination of communicative interactions where the identification of the situation as the blackmail requires some interpretive efforts by the addressee or the interpreter, as the plan of its (the sign) content is complicated by the variety of meanings, while the presence of the lexeme blackmail in the plane of its expression is optional.
Key words and phrases: знак-ситуация, область референции, шантаж, интерпретанта, инвариантный смысл, sign-situation, reference area, blackmail, interpretant, invariant meaning
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