Murzich Natal'ya Edmundovna
Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution - Secondary School № 6 with the Advanced Study of Some Subjects, Kaliningrad
Abstract. In the article the mythopoetic relation of the named Elizaveta to its carriers in the book of short stories by Yuri Buida "The Prussian Bride" is considered. The plurality of reading of the anthroponym conditioned by the system of post-modernism allows representing both the underlying meanings of the name associated with the code of the bride and the creative conception of the author as a whole, which contains the reference to the leveling of the notions "life" - "death" and their cyclicity.
Key words and phrases: мифопоэтика, антропоним, лексема, этимология, семантика, mythopoetics, anthroponym, lexeme, etymology, semantics
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