Zhirova Irina Grigor'evna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the word phenomenon and to the analysis of word meaning presented in the language and speech. Explanatory dictionaries being the storage of word meanings, mainly, represent the linguistic information about them. However, the dictionaries sometimes lack certain amount of encyclopaedic knowledge about the semantic meanings, which are the result of the whole linguistic system development and reflect not only the linguistic but also the extra-linguistic and para-linguistic information. Thus, the component analysis together with the conceptual analysis are important methods, which can ensure the decomposition of the word into the smallest components and expand our knowledge about the word as a universal and global unit of language and speech.
Key words and phrases: слово, компонентный анализ, денотативный компонент значения, концептуальное значение, энциклопедические знания, различительный признак, экстралингвистическая информация, word, component analysis, denotative component of meaning, conceptual meaning, encyclopaedic knowledge, distinctive feature, extra-linguistic information
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