Bykov Anton Valer'evich, Shabalina Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Branch) in Yelabuga
Abstract. In the article one of the key pseudonyms of V. P. Burenin - "The Vyborg hermit" is considered as a special way to declare the critical views of the feuilletonist. In V. P. Burenin’s critical articles the fascinating play with the reader occurs. In this play the pseudonym with the encrypted in it information which allows creating the image of the author in the reader's consciousness becomes the central element. The purpose of the research is to analyze V. P. Burenin’s pseudonym "The Vyborg hermit" as one of the forms of the author's mask of critic. As the result of the research the authors conclude that the pseudonym "The Vyborg hermit" in the context of V. P. Burenin’s critical activity hints at the main addressee of the articles, and emphasize the critic’s position in the journal environment, its position, the attitude to the society, to his fellow-critics, to the literature of that period.
Key words and phrases: псевдоним, литературная маска, литературная стратегия, образ автора, авторская игра, мистификация, pseudonym, literary mask, literary strategy, image of the author, author's play, mystification
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