Abstract. In the article the author makes an attempt to consider the N. S. Leskov’s creativity against the background of the forming of the Russian historical and philological science and to emphasize the importance in the formation of his creative method of the works by F. I. Buslaev, A. N. Afanasyev, N. S. Tikhonravov and its other representatives. As an example the analysis of a number of works of the writer created with a glance to the Old Russian cultural traditions is carried out.
Key words and phrases: русская историко-филологическая наука, нравственно-этические представления, культура Древней Руси, памятники словесного творчества, традиция, деятельность писателя, агиографический жанр, Russian Historical and Philological Science, moral and ethical concepts, culture of Ancient Rus, monuments of verbal creativity, tradition, writer’s activity, hagiographical genre
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