Zaidullin Raif'yan Damirovich
M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
Abstract. Ancient Bulgar tribes, the predecessors of the Tatar people, in their everyday life closely communicated with the Iranian-speaking tribes. The exchange of goods took place, the cultural and educational relations had gradually established. Later on the basis of confessing the common faith Islam the contacts between the tribes intensified. In connection with these interactions the languages of the tribes and people changed and enriched on account of the process of borrowing. The article analyzes the borrowings from the Persian language naming the types of flora in the Tatar language.
Key words and phrases: татарский язык, лексика, лексикология, персидский язык, персидские заимствования, названия видов флоры, Tatar language, vocabulary, lexicology, Persian language, Persian borrowings, phytonyms
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