Fedotova Tat'yana Vasil'evna
Yuzhny Institute of Management
Abstract. The article is written from the perspective of the current phenomenon in modern linguistics - proper nomination which forms the regional onomastic worldview. The author analyzes the linguo-semiotic aspect of the emporonyms functioning of Krasnodar in terms of the theory of reference, the theory of bilaterality of the linguistic sign. The main conclusions made by the author suppose that the considered factors of dynamics of culturally significant senses "aim" at displaying the informative component of emporonym having the direct connection with the perception of the subject on which any act of nomination is focused. This interaction affects the pragmatic value and the effectiveness of the onym.
Key words and phrases: проприальная номинация, ономастика, референция, эмпоронимы, лингвосемиотика, языковой знак, картина мира, proper nomination, onomastics, reference, emporonyms, linguo-semiotics, linguistic sign, worldview
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