Martynenko Elena Vladimirovna, Leshnevskaya Karina Vasil'evna, Tunnikova Vera Aleksandrovna
Rostov State University of Economics
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of economic terms in the paradigm of discourse that is taken from oral sources. As the result of the research the general tendencies of economical terminology formation are identified. By the nature and volume of borrowings in the Russian language the ways of historical development of the language, and as a consequence of this the crossing of Russian vocabulary and phraseology with other languages are traced. Hence, the authors identify the tendencies of the development of the economy in Russia and consider what countries had more influence on it in the certain time frame.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, экономические термины, этимология, заимствования, словообразование, discourse, economic terms, etymology, borrowings, word formation
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