Veremeenko Svetlana Sergeevna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. In the article the semantic characteristic of the linguistic concept SOUL in I. A. Goncharov’s novel "The Precipice" is presented. By the material of the novel the most frequent semantic and cognitive features in the structure of the word-name of the concept SOUL are identified, its semantic scope and semantic relations with other linguistic units are estimated. It is ascertained that in I. A. Goncharov’s novel "The Precipice" the feature ‘receptacle’ (spatial semantics) is the most vivid and multi-dimensional semantic and cognitive feature.
Key words and phrases: лингвоконцепт, семантико-когнитивный признак, душа, И. А. Гончаров "Обрыв", имя концепта, linguistic concept, semantic and cognitive feature, soul, I. A. Goncharov, "The Precipice", name of the concept
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