Abstract. The article considers the features of persuasive speech as a form of public speech. For the purpose of determining the place of persuasive speech in the theory of argumentation the author analyzes its features and differences from argumentative speech. In this context, the peculiarities of persuasive speech, the effective use of emotional arguments, the methods of speech influence as well as persuasion techniques are described. In addition, special attention is paid to the moral component of public speeches.
Key words and phrases: убеждающая речь, убеждение, аргументация, аргументы, аргументирующая речь, воздействие, эмоциональные аргументы, техники убеждения, публичное выступление, эффективность речи, persuasive speech, persuasion, argumentation, arguments, argumentative speech, influence, emotional arguments, methods of persuasion, public speech, speech efficiency
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