Suleimanova Rezida Akhmet'yanovna
Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article examines certain onomastic units which are mentioned in the Bashkir historical songs. The analysis was carried out partially in the comparative and historical aspect, their semantic basis, structural models were identified. The findings testify that in the historical folk songs masculine names function actively. The author presents a brief survey on the personalities who bear these names and proposes that these historical figures influence on the popularity of certain names in the modern anthroponymic system, for example, Salawat Yulayev, Yulai Aznalin, Kasim Myrdashev. Analyzing names of Arabic origin the researcher concludes that in the Bashkir language for different reasons they are exposed to the phonetic and graphical changes.
Key words and phrases: тюркология, башкирский язык, лексикология, этнолингвистика, ономастика, антропонимикон, личные имена, Turkic studies, Bashkir language, lexicology, ethno-linguistics, onomastics, anthroponymicon, personal names
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