Zhukova Tat'yana Evgen'evna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The article considers the ethno-linguistic factors that formed the names of rivers, settlements, stows in the basin of the Pinega in Arkhangelsk dialects; and restores the language world view of the inhabitants in this area. The etymology of toponyms and hydronyms is analyzed, and the cases of bilingualism in Arkhangelsk dialect are mentioned. The author pays special attention to the ethnographic description, traces the linguistic and historical contacts in the formation of the ethnic group. The peculiarity of the work is in the analysis of the authentic material recorded during dialects expeditions undertaken by the author. The influence of the Finno-Ugric substrate on the formation of the dialects is proved.
Key words and phrases: билингвизм, гидронимы, диалекты, культурные контакты, топонимы, этимология, этнос, языковая картина мира, bilingualism, hydronyms, dialects, cultural contacts, toponyms, etymology, ethnos, language world view
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