Golubeva Irina Valerievna, Gubar' Irina Alekseevna
Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Institute (Branch) of Rostov State University of Economics
Abstract. The article presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structures of expressive syntax made by the material of the poetry of Boris Pasternak, which syntactic structure of speech is characterized by complexity, counterpoint, attention to specific details, dissection, and pronounced subjective beginning. These characteristics are largely created by using the chains of nominative sentences, parcelling, inserts and other expressive syntax constructions.
Key words and phrases: языковая личность, речевой портрет, конструкции экспрессивного синтаксиса, цепочки номинативных предложений, парцелляция, вставные конструкции, linguistic personality, voice portrait, expressive syntax constructions, chains of nominative sentences, parcelling, inserted constructions
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