Myshkina Al'bina Fedorovna, Il'ina Galina Gennad'evna
The Ulianov Chuvash State University
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of penetration of the teachings of Western non-classical philosophy in the poetics of national literature at the beginning of the XX century. The authors express their view on the formation of the Chuvash classical literature and on the reasons of penetrating the modernist tendencies of Western culture into it. The poem of the classic of the Chuvash poetry K. Ivanov "Narspi" is analyzed in terms of the expression of modernism elements in it. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of synthesis of national (Chuvash) attitude and non-classical philosophy in the classic work.
Key words and phrases: неклассическая философия, чувашская классическая литература, поэтика модернизма, "моделирование ситуации", диалог западной и восточной философии, свобода выбора, синтез литературы и философии, non-classical philosophy, Chuvash classical literature, poetics of modernism, "modelling of the situation", dialogue between Western and Eastern philosophy, freedom of choice, synthesis of literature and philosophy
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