Tsarikaeva Fatima Akhsarbekovna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Abstract. The article analyzes different classification approaches to studying compound sentence of the French language: the functional approach according to which the subordinate clauses are functionally associated with a certain part of a simple sentence; the morphological one when the subordinate clause is equated with a certain part of speech; the formal one based on the grammatical connectors so the analysis of the subordinate clauses comes to characterizing the conjunctions and conjunctional words; the semantic one considering the structural and semantic peculiarities of a compound sentence.
Key words and phrases: синтаксис, грамматика, французский язык, сложноподчиненное предложение, главная часть, придаточная часть, союз, союзное слово, yntax, grammar, French language, compound sentence, principle clause, subordinate clause, conjunction, conjunctional word
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