Bicharova Mariya Mikhailovna, Kerimova Leila Valer'evna
Astrakhan State University
Abstract. The article reflects the results of the scientific-research work, conducted in line of the genre-discursive researches and devoted to the study of the diversity of the genre palette of mass media. The group of interactive genres, the peculiarity of which is in the presence of a two-sided communication with a reader, is examined. The authors of the variety of texts under study use a definite problem, a question or a task as a material, which require an analysis, a many-sided approach and a competent decision, structuring it according to the scheme "question-answer" or "remark-comment".
Key words and phrases: массово-информационный дискурс, жанр, типологическая классификация жанров, интерактивные жанры, материал, метод, формат, прагматика, mass-informational discourse, genre, typological classification of genres, interactive genres, material, method, format, pragmatics
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