Mashkhadirafi Fereshte
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Abstract. The article dwells on the possible sources of borrowing the plot of the poem "Medlum and Layla" (1910) by Velimir Khlebnikov. The author shows that contrary to the opinions of many interpreters Khlebnikov’s poem does not rely on the plot of the poem "Layla and Majnun" by Nizami. The motives of the Kurdish folk version of the legend about Layla and Majnun could be identified in it. Creating his work against the background of the love story of the Eastern heroes, Khlebnikov speaks on the immortality as an eternal continuation of the spiritual existence.
Key words and phrases: "Лейли и Меджнун" Низами, фольклорное сказание, фольклор народов Ирана, курдская версия о "Лейли и Меджнуне", бессмертие любви, "Layla and Majnun" by Nizami, folk tale, folklore of the Iranian people, Kurdish version of "Layla and Majnun", immortality of love
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