Tashpulatova Dilrabo Olimovna
Tajikistan State Pedagogical University named after Ayni
Abstract. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of verbal substantivates of the Russian, Tajik and French languages. The problem of the comparative study of languages ??has recently attracted increasing attention of both domestic and foreign linguists. One of the most important components of the grammatical system of the language, which represents the most important features of the different classes of words, is a noun. In modern conditions it is highly relevant to study the verbal substantivates representing a particular semantic category, by means of which the notion of action, signed in the verb, can be transmitted by a name. The author pays particular attention to the typological division of verbal substantivates in three languages.
Key words and phrases: грамматическая категория, часть речи, сопоставительный анализ языков, словообразование, отглагольные субстантиваты, grammatical category, part of speech, comparative analysis of languages, word formation, verbal substantivates
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