Abstract. The article examines the stylistic means and techniques, occurring in the German sayings and proverbs, based on the word play. An attempt is made to analyze the data of the stylistic phenomena and revealing the aims of their usage. The authors pay special attention to the euphony of sayings and proverbs, which such stylistic phenomena as paronomasia and alliteration contribute to. For a full comprehension of German sayings and proverbs the word-for-word translation and their Russian equivalent are given.
Key words and phrases: пословицы, поговорки, игра слов, парономазия, аллитерация, языковые парадоксы, ирония, оксюморон, обыгрывание, sayings, proverbs, word play, paronomasia, alliteration, language paradoxes, irony, oxymoron, the play on words