Lesnykh Elena Vladimirovna
Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economy and Law (Branch) in Lipetsk
Abstract. The article examines the problem of developing speech culture of the future bachelors under conditions of a higher school. The special attention is paid to the formation of the ethical component of speech, because the vulgarization of speech is a very important problem nowadays. On the basis of the conducted analysis concerning the students’ attitude to the obscene vocabulary the author concludes on the insufficient speech immunity of the respondents. The paper introduces a set of measures aimed at the development of a more serious and responsible attitude to the word.
Key words and phrases: речевая культура, этический компонент культуры речи, формирование профессионально-речевой культуры, критерии, показатели и уровни профессионально-речевой культуры, обсценная лексика, речевой иммунитет, culture of speech, ethical component of a speech culture, formation of the professional speech culture, criteria, indicators and levels of the professional speech culture, obscene vocabulary, speech immunity
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