Dobrova Viktoriya Vadimovna, Podlesova Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Samara State Technical University
Abstract. In the article the intentional events as the basis of human personality are considered from the position of cognitive linguistics. The definition of the term "event" is given. The detailed analysis of characteristic peculiarities of events is conducted, and on this basis their cognitive content is modelled with the help of special metalanguage. The verb operators which then are used to form the frame-scenario of the appropriate event are described. The differences between the term under consideration and the adjacent categories are shown by the concrete examples that allow marking its boundaries.
Key words and phrases: лингвокогнитивистика, событие, интенция, моделирование, метаязык, фрейм-сценарий, linguocognitive science, event, intention, modelling, metalanguage, frame-scenario
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