Goncharova Oksana Vladimirovna
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article examines the ambiguity of using the notions "tongue", "dialect" and "patois", frequently used for denoting one and the same linguistic matter. The problem is examined in the diachronic aspect, the notional synonymy and the absence of the clear border at differentiation is demonstrated, the widely spread interpretations of the notions by the material of the encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries are analyzed, the conclusion about the time of forming hierarchy "tongue-dialect-patois" in the domestic linguistics is made.
Key words and phrases: социолингвистика, социальная диалектология, терминологическое значение, наречие, говор, диалект, диалектологические исследования, sociolinguistics, social dialectology, terminological meaning, tongue, patois, dialect, dialectological research
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