Selemeneva Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin
Abstract. The author identifies and describes the integrity of key ideas (idea of shelter, idea of animation of nature, unity of nature and a human being, cyclicity of natural changes) of such fragment of the Russian linguistic picture of the world which is associated with the representation of different states of nature. The paper aims to develop the linguoculturological aspect of the analysis of the statements with the semantics "state of nature" based on the works of the representatives of the Novomoskovskaya school of conceptual analysis who rely on the thesis about the formation of the linguistic picture of the world by the system of key concepts and invariant themes.
Key words and phrases: высказывание, семантика "состояние природы", языковая картина мира, ключевая идея, архаичные воззрения славян, statement, semantics "state of nature", linguistic picture of the world, key idea, archaic views of the Slavs
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