Borova Asiyat Ruslanovna
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov
Abstract. The paper examines the correlation of traditional ethnic archetypes and concepts with the Soviet ideological symbolics in the texts of the Kabardian poets of the first generation (the 20-30s of the XX century). The author identifies the principles of the selective choice of ethnic archetypes under the pressure of foreign culture.
Key words and phrases: "новописьменная" литература, архетип, кабардинская поэзия, этнический мим, инокультурный, этносоциум, соцреализм, советская символика, типология, "new literature", archetype, the Kabardian poetry, ethnic mime, of foreign culture, ethno-community, socialist realism, the Soviet symbolics, typology
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