Frolova Alina Ivanovna
Samara State Technical University
Abstract. The article examines the main geographic images of "Les Tragiques" ("Tragic poems") by Agrippa D’Aubigne. The author of the article traces their transformation in several space plans with glance to the requirements of the rhetorical message of the poet, for whom the text of poems is the field of a battle. The idyllic landscapes in the times of Ancient Greece are gradually painted in red, the theatre stages of the Greek tragedy give way to the field of battle, and the poet becomes a new prophet.
Key words and phrases: риторика, географические образы, барокко, поэтика пространства, гугенотская поэзия, героический индивидуализм, трагедия, rhetoric, geographic images, baroque, poetics of space, Huguenot poetry, heroic individualism, tragedy
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