Denisova Valeriya L'vovna
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the semantic meaning of the lexeme "? / white" in the Chinese and Russian languages. The paper considers in detail the meanings ??of white colour in the Chinese and Russian languages. A comparative analysis of the meanings of the lexeme "?" and "white" is conducted, the semantic groups of the lexeme "? / white" in Chinese and Russian are determined, and the similarities and differences are revealed. The author concludes that the lexeme "? / white" in these languages ??have both similar and typical for each language connotations, and it is conditioned by culturological features.
Key words and phrases: белый цвет, семантическое значение, сравнительный анализ, китайский язык, русский язык, white colour, semantic meaning, comparative analysis, the Chinese language, the Russian language
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