Danilova Yuliya Yur'evna, Fadeeva Alena Nikolaevna
Kazan (Volga-Region) Federal University (Branch) in Yelabuga
Abstract. The article is devoted to investigating occasional nominations in the discourse of the novel by Tatyana Tolstaya "Kys". The paper analyzes the models for the formation of the occasionalisms among which the productive and non-productive types are distinguished. The researchers also try to analyze and describe the communicative and pragmatic potential of the occasional formations in the process of a "dialogue" between an author and a reader mediated by the text. Occasionalisms serve as the linguo-cognitive markers of the novel: beyond the author’s irony its pragmatics is identified - showing the level of the spiritual, mental, ethnocultural mutation of the society, i.e. national disaster.
Key words and phrases: окказионализм, модель образования окказионализмов, коммуникативно-прагмати-ческий потенциал, функциональная нагрузка, лингвокогнитивная трансформация, occasionalism, model for the formation of the occasionalisms, communicative and pragmatic potential, functional load, linguo-cognitive transformation
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