Khazagerov Georgii Georgievich, Shchemeleva Elena Yur'evna
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of holistic scientist’s image creation in the various materials of a jubilee character. The typical shortcomings in the biographical descriptions, preventing the integral perception of a scientist’s personality, are considered and systematized. The authors suggest the recommendations, by which the described image will become a part of the emotional memory of readers, will create a holistic idea of a scientist and will be introduced into the personal sphere of scientific community. The article states that the individualization of an image is relevant to the reproduction of its biography in the context of choice in dealing with the tasks that faced the scientists, including scientific tasks and relationships with a teacher, students and colleagues.
Key words and phrases: персоносфера, штампы, канцелярит, образ, фрейм, канон, personal sphere, stock phrases, bureaucratese, image, frame, canon
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