Sal'nikova Vera Vladimirovna
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Birsk
Abstract. The article considers the associative field of the lexeme "game" in the language picture of the world of the child - the autobiographical hero and children of the XXI century. The author of the study finds out how the lexeme "game" is known to the modern child, determines the specificity of language consciousness and picture of the world of the autobiographical hero and children of the XXI century, as well as conducts the contrast-comparative analysis of relevant thematic groups.
Key words and phrases: игра, свободный ассоциативный эксперимент, ассоциативное поле, слово-стимул, слово-реакция, тематические группы, языковая картина мира ребенка, game, free associative experiment, associative field, word-stimulus, word-reaction, thematic groups, child’s language picture of the world
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