Padar Yuliya Andreevna
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of intercommunity of addressee and axiological nature categories in the Ukrainian memoirs of the beginning of the XX century. It is proved that the autocommunicative space of memoirs specifies the formation of non-speech reality estimations in intimate diaries, literary diaries and memoirs, as well as conditions the style of diaries, and memoirs texts.
Key words and phrases: автор, адресатность, автокоммуникация, аксиологичность, дневники, воспоминания, язык украинской мемуаристики начала ХХ века, author, addressee, autocommunication, axiological nature, diaries, memoirs, the Ukrainian memoiristics of the beginning of XX century
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