Abstract. The article considers the argumentative function of a language in a literary text by the material of the novel "The Man of Property" by John Galsworthy, and studies different linguistic means used by the writer for the creation of characters’ image with the help of argumentation. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of linguo-stylistic and pragma-linguistic techniques of argumentation; the reasons of "communicative failure" are revealed, and the process of decision-making in situations of conflict, depending on the communicative intentions of an argumentator, is analyzed.
Key words and phrases: аргументативная функция языка, художественный текст, образ персонажа в аргументативном дискурсе, лингвостилистические и прагмалингвистические приемы аргументации, коммуникативный провал, убедительная речь, argumentative function of language, literary text, character’s image in argumentative discourse, linguo-stylistic and pragma-linguistic techniques of argumentation, communicative failure, persuasive speech