Knyazyan Anna Tarielovna
Yerevan State University, Armenia
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing verbal and nonverbal aggression which is represented in the humorous discourse. In the English, Russian and Armenian "everyday" anecdotes aggressive behaviour in communication is frequent enough. Men are mostly the immediate initiators of verbal and nonverbal aggression. Woman comes out as an object of verbal or nonverbal activity. The analysis of the material under consideration shows that the men are inclined to use bad language. The frequent use of unprintable vocabulary by men is the specific feature of men’s verbal behavior expressed in the English, Russian and Armenian anecdotes.
Key words and phrases: гендер, анекдот, юмористический дискурс, вербальная и невербальная агрессия, грубая лексика, нецензурная лексика, стереотип, gender, anecdote, humorous discourse, verbal and nonverbal aggression, rude vocabulary, offensive words, stereotype
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