Kalashnikova Larisa Vyacheslavovna
Mari State University
Abstract. The object of the analysis in the paper is the story of the Mari writer Viach. Abukaev-Emgak "Шывага" ("The Fate"); it is for the first time introduced into the scientific field of Mari literature criticism. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the narrative structure of the story by identifying the configuration of episodes, their key narrative strategies, the components of the subjective sphere, and also their relationship with the author’s conception of the world and a man.
Key words and phrases: марийская литература, рассказ, Вяч. Абукаев-Эмгак, композиция, нарративная конструкция, эпизод, the Mari literature, story, Viach. Abukaev-Emgak, composition, narrative structure, episode
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