Mishanova Yuliya Vladimirovna, Sopova Irina Valentinovna
Belgorod National Research University
Abstract. In the article the review of materials of the main research of language evolution is given, the process of the linguistic means development is analyzed, and the description of the mechanisms of the process of self-organization of morphological means in the language system from the perspective of synergetic science is made. The subject of the study is evolutionary processes in the language. The authors pay special attention to the modeling of the self-organization process of linguistic means in terms of the linguo-synergetic conception.
Key words and phrases: синергетика, лингвосинергетика, флуктуация, аттрактор, диссипативная структура, энтропия, точка бифуркации, synergetics, linguo-synergetics, fluctuation, attractor, dissipative structure, entropy, bifurcation point
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