Kobrin Natal'ya Vasil'evna
Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of "media-noise" in social media. Taking into account the ornateness of social media with expression and pseudo-expression the necessity to identify the markers of media-noise arises. The author singles out memes, retweets, hashtags as metalinguistic markers of media-noise in the Internet communication. The realization that in social media instead of facts and events media-noise often circulates returns the communicant to critical thinking, the ability to analyze the information and transfers to the real world.
Key words and phrases: медиалингвистика, медиатекст, социальные медиа, медиашум, мемы, хэштеги, ретвиты, media-linguistics, media-text, social media, media-noise, memes, hashtags, retweets
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