Dvidar Manar Mukhamed Sabri
Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt)
Abstract. The article considers the Russian joining structures in terms of the conception of communicative grammar. Special attention is paid to the connections of the conjunction "and" with modus predicates. The joining connection is considered taking into account such notions as a modus, communicative speech register, subjective perspective of statements, and the composition of a text. The article substantiates the idea that the joining connection is a form of illocutionary connection that connects the statement of a fact and speech act. Thus the author argues that the joining connection belongs to the level of a text and it is a way of register blocks connection in the syntactic composition of a text.
Key words and phrases: сочинительный союз, присоединительная конструкция, модус, субъект модуса, субъектная перспектива, монтажный шов, иллокутивное употребление союза, вводные слова, конкретизаторы, композиция текста, coordinating conjunction, joining structure, modus, subject of modus, subjective perspective, assembly joint, illocutionary usage of conjunction, introductory words, specifiers, text composition
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