Goncharov Artem Aleksandrovich
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article considers the English mottoes, being a kind of holistic, complete speech product that functions with certain pragmatic attitudes and possesses the whole system of characteristic features as a special structural construction, the conciseness of presentation, small volume, and rich implication. All mentioned above give grounds for the interpretation of a motto text as an independent and special kind of a text.
Key words and phrases: девиз, текст, микротекст, малоформатный текст, культурная реалия, языковая реалия, прагматическая установка, национальная ментальность, поверхностная структура, глубинная структура, адресат, motto, text, micro text, small format text, cultural realia, language realia, pragmatic attitude, national mentality, surface structure, deep structure, recipient
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